On any industrial or commercial job site, safety should be a top priority. Safety is something that every professional at Cullum takes seriously, and the company maintains an active role in improving safety practices and preventing accidents on an ongoing basis.
What does Cullum specifically do to ensure safe job sites? During each and every project, Cullum assigns designated safety staff. These professionals are in charge of maintaining the ongoing security and safety of the project premises to ensure the work environment remains healthy and effective. Cullum’s safety professionals also receive regular education and training on workplace safety practices and apply them to the work environment whenever possible.
In addition to making sure every job site has dedicated safety professionals onsite, the supervisory and project management professionals on the job frequently communicate with the employees working about maintaining proper safety. This is done both verbally and through the use of promotional and educational materials. When work is underway, these supervisors make sure that all safe practices, equipment, and material are implemented, while also making sure that all working conditions remain under supervisory control.
Promoting and encouraging safety has always been a focus for Cullum and will continue to be a priority moving forward into the future. They are proud to provide safe service to their valued customers throughout South Carolina and remain vigilant about improving their best practices. To learn more about what Cullum is doing to maintain safe jobsites and its safety programs, contact the company today.