Employee Guidebook Please enter the special code again to gain access* Special Code* Please check this box to gain access to the Employee GuidebookEmail* Name* The Employee Guidebook is intended to educate new employees and serve as a resource to current employees. It contains information on personnel rules, policies, procedures, services, benefits and more. View the Employee Guidebook by clicking “ACCESS NOW” button below. Disclaimer: This Is Not a Contract Employees of Cullum are employed at will. That means that either the employee or the city may end employment at any time and for any reason. Nothing in Cullum’s handbooks, manual, policies, rules or other written documents creates any contract of employment. Current or past policies, practices or procedures do not include a promise or contract that those policies, practices or procedures will continue in the future. Any and all policies, practices or procedures may be changed by Cullum from time to time. I agree by clicking on the access button that I have received and have access to the electronic copy of Cullum’s guidebook, that I have read the disclaimer above, and that I understand that this is not a contract of employment (PDF). Δ